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2014-05-19 08:34  最美应用    我要评论()

Groopic能轻松解决两大问题:1. 秀恩爱不再需要路人甲帮忙了;2. 没恩爱可以秀,自己跟自己玩也可以玩出花来!  

1. 告别「把我P上去T_T」

故事是这样的——三个小伙伴要一起出镜拍宣传照,但是没有摄像师,没事儿,我们有神器 Groopic!于是左边的妹纸先拍一张,然后坐回沙发,拍摄完毕会自动出现画面中人物的虚影,右边的妹纸再把背景对准,拍摄第二张,将新人物加进去拍摄下来,最后分别点击一下照片中的人物后一张完整的集体照就粗线啦!无需动用PS,合成得简单而精准,嗯,再加个滤镜,搞定!

2. 玩法多样,创意无限

除了拍集体合照之外还可以用 Groopic 玩克隆,不管是猫猫狗狗还是所爱之人,都可以神奇地出现在一副图里。



3. 一群巴基斯坦创业青年的故事

小美邮件采访了 Groopic 的创业团队,一个来自巴基斯坦的「搞艺术」的 Lab,小美还翻译了一版给大家,有木有很贴心?!

致 Groopic 中国用户:久闻天朝人才济济,很高兴能看到你们拍的创意照片,请记得分享给咱们噢!爬墙党可以在脸书和推特上找到我们,或者分享到Instagram:)

缘起:我们原本是五个在巴基斯坦LUMS大学的Computer Vision Lab工作的好基友。因为咱们Lab是搞艺术的,所以总觉得现在手机上的照相应用质量都颇为蛋疼。而就在那神奇的第一场Startup Weekend活动在巴基斯坦举办时,咱们想,吼吼机会来啦!本来以为只会是一个好玩的周末而已,但评委和观众的肯定让我们觉得自己的想法可能还挺靠谱。于是在那之后我们就开始提升Groopic的用户体验,并在一月推出了安卓版。



Story: We are a group of five friends who used to work at Computer Vision Lab at LUMS. Being associated with a lab doing state of the art work, we were always annoyed by the quality of camera apps available for smartphones. It was the same time when the first Startup Weekend took place in Pakistan. We felt that we had a chance to prove our point and got ourselves registered. What we were expecting was just a fun weekend. However, the applause of the judges and the audience at our demo got us thinking more seriously about it. Since then, we have worked on improving the user experience of Groopic. We also released the Android version of Groopic in January.

Design: We have invested a lot of time and effort in User Interface and User Experience. Being domain experts, it took us no time to develop the technology which powers groopic. However, it took us about a year to improve the design and to streamline the user experience. Interestingly, we had no design expertise but still we were not willing to lower the quality standard we had set for ourselves. We did a lot of iterations learning design and applying it to our app. Attached are a few screenshots that show how the design evolved.   Most Impressive Feature: Apart from the actual utility, the most loved feature of groopic is that it also allows you to clone yourself. See how people are using groopic on Instagram.   Message for Chinese Users: We love to see the creative ways in which people use groopic. So do not forget to share your pictures. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Have Fun :-)



关键词: 最美应用 iOS








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